Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Just returning from a visit to New Orleans. A college friend turned 50--thankfully, I am still a year behind her. Although, all of my college friends look exactly the same to me. Is that viewing through rose-colored glasses? If so, bring on more of those glasses. It has been two years since I drove down the streets of the Big Easy--which were still very much showing signs of Katrina. This was the first time I had walked through my friend's house with furniture and paint. The last time the house was a mere shell--having been completely gutted. It was a reminder that while the outside world goes on, for the residents of New Orleans life is very different. Many of my friends suffer a variety of physical and mental ailments. The trauma of losing their most personal belongings, being uprooted from homes, schools and work for months takes a toll. Having grown up in a military family I am well aware what war does to one's psyche. Katrina was definitely New Orleans 9/11 and every war rolled into one. I do not write this though to elicit pity, but rather awe. The city may never be the same--there are blocks of empty buildings rotting, providing blank canvas for graffiti. But for my friends who have lived here all of their lives they soldier on. Material things have lost their importance having been replaced by what is truly most valuable in life. Family, friends and loved ones. New thought teaches and reminds us to be a light in the world. To shine brightly through our words and actions. Katrina may have changed the physical landscape of New Orleans, but it certainly did not douse the light. My friends showed me that. Happy new year and keep burning brightly.

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