Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In between

When I first set out to create this blog, I wanted it to be spontaneous.  An urge--something that made me take to the computer because I had such a strong feeling I just had to share it with the world.  Today, I am writing again--at the urging of my sister.  Who reminded me that I had not written in a very long time.  Nearly a year, to be exact.

So, this really is an urging.

The whys and wherefores don't really matter about why we do or do not do something.  It is the doing that makes the difference.  And, right now, my doing is dog-tired.

I watched EAT.  PRAY. LOVE. a week or so ago.  A delicious film overflowing with wonderful travel sequences from around the world.  Most know the basics of the film.  Women in search of herself.  While in Italy, Julia Roberts aka Elizabeth Gilbert is conversing with her new friends. A robust discourse ensues over words which they think represent cities and then words which represent themselves.  Our women in search of herself has no word.

That is me.  A woman in search of a word.  I am considering that as a title for a new blog.

My word at present is really two words.  In between.

Business is slow and I am grateful, I think.  Since I was 15 I have worked--and I mean worked.  At a feverish pitch like the world was coming to an end.  Focused, I am in between.

It is a strange and foreign place.  And, since arriving here, I am settling in.  Albeit slowly.  The natives seem to be a little less restless.

Unwinding has taken awhile and I have never been good at being idle.

But, I am hopeful and enthusiastic that this in between place will yield an excellent word.

For now, in between suits me just fine.

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