Thursday, July 24, 2008

Old people have feelings, too

Several days ago the thought crossed my mind how crazy it is that a magazine was paying $2 million for the photos of celebrity twins. How outrageous is that. The economies of scale in our world are so out of whack.

I decided that someone should be paying that for a picture of my nearly 94-year old grandmother's smiling face. Now, there's a photo worth $2 million.

Some days, my grandmother isn't quite clear who I am and some days she comes up with the most brilliant advice. Real pearls of wisdom--I should definitely be writing down.

It must be hell to get old--I already feel the difference in myself as I gently ease towards late 40s. Think about it. You live your whole life and then when your body turns against you, you don't even get to decide whether you want jello for lunch.

And, as the younger person in the room telling the older person what to do I think it's easy to forget that's a person with feelings. Just because my grandmother is old, doesn't make her feelings less valid. She still has desires just like the rest of us. Although, the desire to drive a car or ride a horse probably isn't happening.

I have a friend, who will remain nameless, that used to tell me be nice to everyone. Regardless of who they are--their title--their station in life. And this truly is how she lives her life.

Everyone has a story. We should probably publish more of those and less of the celebrity. Our world could use a little more humanity and a little less vanity.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How true it is that life is precious. My grandfather lived life to its fullest as a tire salesman and died from a mosquito bite (dengue fever) while on an expedition in Malaysia.

He too made it a point to be nice to everyone. Even on his worst days with his arthritis and bad leg, he managed a smile and hello to all.