Friday, August 1, 2008

A smoothie with a message

I started this blog and called it "Urgings" because of a visit I had with a friend's father that passed away the day after my visit. And, because I believe we all have urgings/callings/messages that sometimes we listen to and sometimes we don't. That little voice nagging at us to do something.

Yesterday mine was to stop taking on work or projects that were not fulfilling. Or that I just did not want to do.

Now--like most things in life that is a great thought. Just do what really resonates with me personally. The flip side is my mortgage company might not understand that I was not called to go to work and hence could not pay my bills.

So--granted there is a balance in life. Yesterday, over a smoothie at Starbuck's, I had the opportunity to visit with a woman that I have known for years. But, never really spoken with. Meaning--yesterday we just connected on a very spiritual level. And, of course, she had a really good message for me. No doubt the reason for consuming 270 calories with a chocolate, banana smoothie. The conversation was worth every delicious calorie.

She offered me a different view on taking on jobs that certainly are not paying me what I should be billing. That perhaps the project was a way of giving back to a universe which does continue to give abundance. I like that. I took on the project because I believe in the organizational mission and purpose. And, rather than begrudge it because it does not pay enough, I will gladly be thankful for it.

We have all seen, read and sometimes absorbed the idea that there is power in positive thinking. And, that the more we say thank you or recognize that in every day we have something to be grateful for how much better off we and our world would be.

So, thanks to a Starbuck's reunion--my smoothie came with a powerful reminder. When the urge strikes to begrudge, instead be grateful.

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