Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Doing things badly

I have been in a bit of a career slump. Chock it up to the dog days of summer, perhaps. Or too many weeks in the wilderness of the Yukon territory. But, yesterday, I got some advice from two rocking women at Schipul.

Things worth doing, are worth doing badly.

Are you scratching your head? Too much sun for Debra? Not really. But, I did have the same reaction when I heard it, as did the woman, who passed this along from a friend, who had urged her to do this sometime ago.

For type A overachievers, who think that everything must be perfect before it is released to the world, this was a great piece of advice.

And advice that I have given others in my own Brainfood seminars.

Take a step. Do something. Create. The old law of motion will take hold. Action begets action. It is when we are not moving that we feel like we have failed. Movement will inevitably lead to a a solution.

We tend to wait on starting a project, launching a product or putting ourselves out there for fear we'll look ridiculous. That the infamous "they" will poke fun. Who cares. Who are "they" anyway?

Be bold (my sister told me that.) To borrow a very overused phrase, life is a journey. That does in fact imply movement.

If we don't take a step, no matter which direction, that journey is likely to be extremely short.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, so glad to read you are feeling inspired!

My dear friend who gave the "do it badly" gift to me took on at a late age in life the challenge of learning Spanish. And I was privileged to get to go along for the ride. There were times in the beginning I would sit quietly blushing while she tried to order at a restaurant... and years later she is fluent enough complete her ordination in Spanish.

It was an inspiration to see her have the courage to just get out there and do it - if badly at first - she is doing it VERY well today.

SARK says in "Juicy Pen, Thirsty Paper" - doing leads to inspiration. I think you have nailed that on the head here!

Good Luck to you... I have feeling some wonderful things about to come your way!

Bright Blessings,

~ JJ