Friday, October 16, 2009

The right spot

I joked with my sister that I was going to start a new biz--angels r us. Today marked the second time in 2 days that I happened to be in the right place at the right time to help a fellow human being.

But getting involved when a stranger needs help in this day and age can give one reason to pause. Sad, but true. That happened to me today. I actually hesitated when asked to help even though I ultimately opted to jump in, avoiding my uneasy feelings.

I was heading out to get a cheeseburger--that was the first urging for the day. While driving out of my neighborhood a young woman ran out to the street and flagged me down. She was extremely distraught and asked where the nearest police station was. Ends up it was a domestic dispute and she was trying to get away from her boyfriend. I couldn't even recall where the police station was, but recalled a nearby fire station. So, I decided I would take her there.

In my nervousness I actually said to the poor girl--"you won't kill me, will you?" Oh, did I really say that out loud?

But, for a fleeting moment, I hesitated. Should I let a stranger in my car? But the good news is that I did.

What was I to do? Leave the poor girl standing there with her portable phone in hand, crying. I could not do that.

So, I managed to get her to the fire station where I tracked down a police officer. We were able to have her looked at by EMS and make her domestic dispute report all at the same time.

It broke my heart to leave her. But, as I assured her she was now safe and in good hands.

It's a bit sad isn't it that we have to worry about whether to lend a hand to a fellow neighbor. Even the EMS nurse said thanks for doing that--you never know today.

Guess a higher authority was looking out for all of us today. And, I was grateful to be exactly on that street in exactly that moment.

It feels good to help another guy out. If and when I ever need it--I hope a trusting soul will be driving my way.

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