Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Now

I just spent the last 20 minutes listening to a radio show online about branding. As a marketing professional who has spent her life thinking about what that means I was intrigued by what Tom Asacker had to say. He is rather a brilliant man and anyone with an interest in consumer marketing, branding, etc. should take heed. I strongly recommend subscribing to his newsletter which is always thought provoking. Sometimes, it just makes me shake my head because what he says seems so simple. Simple, but rarely put into action. Today he said something that no doubt will be the prevailing topic for water coolers around the globe. Americans are taking stock of what he calls "Happy Now" versus "Happy Life." The crisis swirling around us has finally forced the generation of me, me, me, to ask: will this purchase, service, product X make me happy now or will it improve my life. Can it be that we will finally put the brakes on unnecessary spending and think about what matters in the end? Back to basics, right? More on that in a moment. Tom also talks a lot about the need for integrity, urging business owners to understand what their customers are feeling and not just try and sell them something. Consumers are tuning out advertising right and left because they don't have faith in the messenger. Where does this leave the legions of consumer based marketing departments? If they have truly been brand focused, in a very good position. Because brand-driven organizations talk regularly with their customers and know how they are feeling. They respond to those needs in a way that shows a customer that they are important. That seems pretty simple doesn't it? But, honestly how many businesses do you know that function this way? I know many a service provider that I'd like to toss right out the window because they don't listen, don't care and don't treat me like a valued customer. Perhaps if there had been a bit more integrity along the way, our country would not find itself in this current pickle. Consider what the impact that back to basics will mean for our nation. Sounds a little like a commandment from way back--treat each other how we would like to be treated. Back to basics is no doubt just warming up. I suspect it's a term we'll hear a lot about in the days ahead. And, honestly, not a moment too soon. Let's hope that integrity, empathy and trust become the norm. Then happy now and happy life will converge.

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